The second day we hiked to the Big Four Ice Caves. It was a picturesque hike and I highly recommend this hike to everyone! Our trail took us to the base of the mountain to the left in the background.
This hike is exceptionally well maintained. Here we are crossing the boardwalk over the marsh and beaver ponds.
View to our destination - you can see the waterfall in the crevice of the mountains diving down into the ice and snow field below.

We made it! The ice caves are really impressive up close. There was a very chilly wind blowing down out of the caves. Brrrr!
The mountain fireweed looks amazing!
After lunch we moseyed down to the South Fork of the Stillaguamish to play.
Even Reed got in on the action!
Our last hike was to Boardman Lake. It had a nice little beach and was the perfect temperature for a swim.Reed was pretty tired, though. Probably because he was up for two hours in the middle of the night screaming the night before. Grrrr.
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