Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Introducing Baby Jack

Meg and Chris welcomed Baby Jack Christopher to their family on July 18th. He is such a great baby and super cute and tiny, especially when Eben is holding him. Reed is excited he'll have a buddy close to his age to play with when we all get together. So happy for all of them!
 This is how I get my exercise with the kids - we all get on the Burke Gilman Trail and knock out four miles - all of them on wheels with me running. They are a joy to run with, though I am constantly coaching them on trail etiquette and keeping up the pace.
 Our start/stop points for these rides all have playgrounds - great reward at the end.

 At the Woodland Park Zoo - Edison held very still with the stick dipped in bird seed. This little parakeet stayed with Edison for nearly ten minutes.

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