We finally got back to the cabin this weekend. The weather was cool and we decided to go for a hike. We opted for Lake Minotaur on the back road between Lake Wenatchee and Stevens Pass. It was a stunningly beautiful hike. We just had to get through the first, steep mile before it mostly topped off for the second mile. I guessed the kids were ready for it, but we weren't sure about Reed. Sure enough, Reed hiked the whole way there and back - nearly four miles, and a 1450' elevation gain! Thanks to Eben for holding his hand and pulling him along the entire way. This picture shows how steep it was.

After we hit the wilderness boundary about one-mile in, it leveled out a lot and transitioned from forest to meadows and wild bilberry fields.
Charlotte picked a lot of berries - she could have stayed all afternoon picking.Lake Minotaur with Labyrinth Mountain in the background was a pristine alpine scene. Eben believes this might be his first alpine lake! I can't believe it has taken us this long to get him up in the mountains!
The trail around the lake was absolutely delightful.
Looking east with Lake Theseus in the background and layers and layers of ridges beyond.
That afternoon Kim and Dave and their kids came for the weekend. The kids roamed the yard looking for marshmallow sticks and having adventures.
The next day we floated the Wenatchee River from Lake Wenatchee all the way to the cabin. The water was quite low and it took a long time. But the weather was perfect and it was relaxing and beautiful.