Friday, May 22, 2020

Home Learning - Week 10

Home learning - more egg-themed science “what’s in an egg” today, Reed’s class Zoom, math, journal, reading, writing… etc. Charlotte’s final Math Team practice before the big competition tomorrow. I spent time emailing and managing things like virtual senator elections, senior events, end of year assembly, and the District Equity Team. The kids played outside a lot - in the yard, on bikes, and each one ran one-mile for exercise. We also got out on the Burke-Gilman Trail. The kids rode bikes and I ran - it was such a lovely afternoon to get outside. Oh - and our new grass is growing!!!! 

Home learning - we are hardcore working through the weekly assignments posted by their teachers and even trying to work ahead a little this week to have some play time later. The kids went to Nana’s to help her out in her yard and to see her. We had to head home quickly from Nana’s in order that Charlotte was on time to her Math is Cool online math competition. There were over 400 4th graders participating. She was on a team of four from Ridgecrest - the only team Ridgecrest entered. She had a lot of coaching and prepping led by Alex’s mom on bi-weekly Zooms. It was really cool to see it all come together in this big, exciting, three-hour competition. We found out later their team placed second in their division and Charlotte placed twelfth overall on the individual test. Wow! The boys and I were tied to the house as I was in tech-support mode, but we made the best of it. And the next day we learned Charlotte’s team had placed second in their division and she had placed twelfth in her division in the individual test! WOW!!! Go Charlotte!

We were super efficient with home learning this morning and had the car packed by end of lunch to get back to the cabin. I had a Zoom regarding graduation after lunch and we left after that. We went straight from LFP to the Leavenworth bike park - the kids had been asking to go again and it was the perfect time to get some exercise in with the little time left we had in the day. The kids loved it, it was almost empty, and both Reed and Charlotte shared bikes with Edison so he could try it out this time, too. Charlotte liked watching other riders to learn moves and body position. Reed is a natural and has amazing balance. Edison is figuring it out quickly. It was a joy to watch them and they didn’t want to leave! And who can beat sunshine and 65 when it was raining in Seattle? We got home late, had a quick dinner, and it was time for Edison’s social Zoom. Tonight it was Eli’s birthday and everyone celebrated by wearing crazy hats. It was upsetting that our internet signal (from hotspot) was not very strong, however, and Edison had a lot of trouble participating in the Zoom. We watched a little of Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame before bed. Wow - a book written in 1831, set in 1482, and turned into a Disney cartoon in 1996 leaves a lot to be desired in today’s day and age. But there were lots of teachable moments! I’m sure the kids hated my lectures, but I couldn’t help myself!

We focused on our home learning work this morning and made good progress. We’ve actually all worked really far ahead this week with the goal being to have some free time at the end of the week. Charlotte had a celebratory Zoom meet up with her math team. Edison had his first book club run by his teacher via Zoom and really liked it - he said he understood the text and ideas a lot more after discussing them (!!). We also had an Aqua Club / Cascade swim team Zoom and Edison’s friends’ book club at night for the Mortal Engines first book. In between all of this, we did some work around the cabin and even snuck back down to Leavenworth so the kids could go to the bike park again! They all wanted to go and we had the time - so it was really cool to be able to say “yes” to that request! Reed and I made yummy cookies together while the older kids were on their swim team Zoom. We did a post-dinner walk/ride to the school, too. It is just so beautiful out here, it is wonderful to be outside!

We did our home learning this morning. The kids finished ALL the posted assignments for their classes this week at the beginning of today. I was so proud of their hard work! They also spent time on a website called “Adapted Mind” that we are doing a trial of. They are able to do social studies on that site as well as the other subjects and its tailored by grade level, so its been a pretty good addition to the classroom lessons. We enjoyed as much of Plain as we could before we had to leave and go back to LFP. All in all the experiment of school / work at the cabin was fairly successful as long as the internet usage is concentrated in the morning when the signal is stronger. And the weather is MUCH better out there!

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