Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Home Learning - Week 8

Today was our first day of the new phase of home learning in which their classroom teacher teaches lessons and assigns work using an online classroom. Sunday night we looked at their weekly schedules from the teachers and popped those lessons into their daily checklists. There were definitely a few hiccups on both sides as we navigated the new systems, but I think it will work really well. Reed has to submit videos and audio of him reading his lessons. He and Charlotte made a five-minute science video on blowing bubbles that was awesome. Reed’s teacher commented back that the two of them could host a science show together and I totally agree. Charlotte had a 90-minute math team zoom, Reed had his class zoom, I had a few work zooms. Wow. It was nice to get out of the house for a run and exercise in the afternoon. On  the runI even ran into a colleague of mine who left Shorecrest earlier in the year for a principal job at another school. She lives a couple blocks away and it was so fun to catch up while we walked six feet apart. We wrapped up our day by staining the patio table. All the kids helped and it turned out great! We are all proud of our hard work.

I’ve figured out that the best strategy to organizing home learning and our days is to look at all the information from each teacher the night before and their online classrooms and slot it into the checklist for the next day. The kids request the checklist, wanting to start right away when they wake up. The new fun item on the checklist is Dualingo - Edison and Charlotte are  So we managed our time well, both Edison and Charlotte had class Zooms, we got our work done, and then the kids went to Nana’s for lunch and playtime - they also help her in her yard. They don’t go in the house and Nana wears a mask, and there are sadly no hugs yet. But it is still great to see her. Charlotte baked cornbread this morning and brought some over to share with Nana, too. We had some more work time at home in the afternoon before heading out for exercise. We went down to Magnusson Park and I ran while the kids rode bikes. It was beautiful scenery and the kids like exploring the old fort and found some cool spots to ride bikes. Bummer that Reed got his chain stuck and we had to walk it out - ugh! Charlotte and I made fried rice for dinner which turned out so yummy! The kids were excited to watch the first Harry Potter DVD tonight. They’d seen it before, but since they’re re-reading the books, it is fun to watch again.

Crushed home learning today! Charlotte got really deep into a video project on Static Electricity and also began a Literary Circle on Zoom for the book “Ungifted” with some kids in her class. Reed completed and submitted two of his assignments on See Saw all by himself. Edison works steadily and reliably to complete his daily work and somehow manages to keep in pretty good humor about helping Reed every now and then. Lunch is something we all look forward to and is a great break in our busy day. I had four zoom meetings for school - two on accreditation, one for my leadership class, and one for fun with the senior class - a scavenger hunt. It was nice that the kids and I were able to get out in the afternoon and exercise by doing our loops around the Town Center. We also went to Reed’s school to collect all his materials, artwork, etc. and to return library books. It was fun to see Ms. Pearson in real life! Edison helped with some pruning before dinner. Reed helped make ravioli for dinner which was enjoyed by all. We wrapped up the day with Edison on a social zoom with his buddies and Charlotte finishing the last of her learning checklist things.

Static Electricity Video made by Charlotte: 

We worked hard again today working and learning from home. The kids constantly impress me with how they manage their checklists and work and want to get it done. Our exercise was doing laps around the Town Center and I grabbed yard waste bags at the hardware store.  It was operation ivy today - we (mostly me - and my muscles are sore enough to prove it), pulled out a ton of ivy from the backyard - enough to fill 13 yard waste bags. Our plan is to put down weedblocker and then bark on top. It will be much nicer for the kids to play in that part of the yard once that is done! The kids had a Zoom call with Coach Pete from swim team and then later had a book club Zoom with friends for their new novel: Mortal Engines. Fun times!


 AFTER: 13 bags!

Worked hard - played hard. Did our home learning then worked outside: leveled out the part of the yard we’d cleared. Edison and Charlotte put down weedblocker while Reed and I built a new basketball hoop. We snuck in a quick hike at St. Edward State Park and the kids all splashed around in the lake because it was such a nice day.

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