Saturday, June 13, 2020

Home Learning - Week 13

June 8-11
Monday: More home learning… Reed enjoys his class Zoom… Charlotte rollerblades while I run… we share AirPods… someone has put thoughtful signs along the trail to remind us that Black Lives Matter… Edison rode bikes with Eli and Alex… Reed Zoomed with Ollie… I hit $500.00 at Costco - who does that?! 

 Tuesday: Finished final edits to our Welcome Future Scots video and our Caen Laida (end of the year) Assembly and uploaded to Shorecrest YouTube channel… CHECK!!!.... Kids visit Nana’s and play in the camper… more rollerblading with Charlotte on the trail - Kenmore this time… boys rode bikes… 

Wednesday: Home learning… Trimmed up front yard hedges and trees… Charlotte and Reed made posters to honor the graduating seniors… Edison rode bikes again with Eli and Alex… I went down the trail with Charlotte and Reed to the little beach… feeling strong running!... Reed read us a Star Wars book - probably the most challenging one he’s taken on - very proud of him… walked/rode to the store for bananas and a couple donuts hopped into the cart… Edison finished up a social zoom with friends. 

 Thursday: Made a big push on home learning - as prompted by the kids - to finish everything for the week today in order to be able to play on Friday. This worked well, but it was a lot of screen time. Not sure if I would try this again. BUT we got through it. Finished getting the branches into yard waste bin and the kids worked on removing moss from a portion of the roof. Is it weird they like that chore? Reed sent me his first email - so stinking cute - there is a loophole that somehow has enabled Shoreline kindergarten accounts to have email addresses, but not 4th and 5th graders! Reed is very proud of that and rubs it in as often as he can. Tonight we premiered Caen Laida, what is usually our end of the year awards / moving forward assembly. I worked on this for about six weeks and learned how to use iMovie, Garage Band, and Cloud Convert among others to put it all together. It was fun to get on a Zoom and watch it with colleagues from work. It was hilarious when an uploading glitch made our exiting senior president speech keep repeating with a wave about every 10 seconds, though the audio worked okay.

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