Saturday, June 6, 2020

Wildflowers and Waterfall Hike

Everything was fresh and green when we awoke this morning and the power was back on! Yay! Edison made another excellent waffle breakfast. Nana and the kids walked/rode to the store while I did a trail run. It started to clear up after lunch, but it wasn’t warm, so we decided it was not a great day for the lake kayaking that Charlotte had wanted. Nana headed home and we did a short waterfall hike that is accessed from the Dirty Face Trail. The waterfall was pushing a lot of water down today! The Wenatchee River was flooding its banks a little, too, and the lake was very high. It was exciting to see all the water! The wildflowers on the hike were my favorite part. I had forgotten what a stellar view of the Lake Wenatchee Valley and ridges this spot had - so it was really cool to take that all in. We also got to see the progress being made on Sara’s parents’ cabin - very cool design! Afterwards we packed the cabin and ate a simple dinner. Then we squeezed in a quick visit with Amy and Jenabel who were at Lake Wenatchee that afternoon. It was so great to catch up, but VERY windy. We wish we had more time, but we needed to head back to town. I always feel uplifted after spending time in that area and am looking forward to heading back out again soon!


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