Charlotte turned 7 this year! She is getting so capable, witty, and friendly. She enjoys trying to make puns and word riddles, learning the play the piano, swimming, running around with her friends, and reading Harry Potter. She chose to have a Harry Potter themed birthday. The cake has golden quidditch rings and a snitch on top.

Her classmate Lizzy is also a big Harry Potter fan and came in her Hufflepuff dress.
The sorting hat determined which houses the kids would join for the party (no Slytherin though).We also had each child choose a wand and then played a "Spell Duel" game. Kind of like rock, paper, scissors, but way cooler.
Then the kids split into "houses" for a Spell Challenge. They had to use spells off of the spell list to solve real-world problems and couldn't repeat any spells. This was the Gryffindor Team: Jenable, Margaret, and Charlotte.
This was the cooky team Ravenclaw who came up with fiesty ways to use the spells.
And this was team Hufflepuff who had the most creative answers - such as using the "Avis" spell to fly on birds when a ride from mom or dad wasn't available to get to a friend's house.
The line up pre-pinata.
Charlotte with our Golden Snitch pinata. We spray painted it and gave it wings to make it into the snitch.Birthday cake time!
The gaggle of kids surrounding her for presents.
The next morning was her REAL birthday (May 30). She was excited to bring a treat to share at school and to wear her new Harry Potter dress that Lizzy's mom made for her.
A few more presents and cards the evening of her birthday. This fun one was from Marlene.
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