Monday, June 12, 2017

End of the Year Celebrations at Shorecrest

June is the month of closure and transition at Shorecrest High. We kick it off with Senior Academic Awards night right after Memorial Day. This is Evan and Kate– two ASB officers that I have had the pleasure of working with for the past four years. They are off to awesome things at UW and Gonzaga respectively. They are such awesome people and it is hard to say goodbye!
The first Monday evening in June we have our ASB Awards Banquet to celebrate and close out the year. I got to work with this amazing ASB Core Officer team this year. Nathan, Abby, Alaiyi and Annika set a tone of inclusiveness in all they did and they developed and led a six-part Race and Equity Forum series at Shorecrest to provide a venue and a nudge to help students talk about difficult topics such as race, religion, gender, and more this year. They even got featured on the news for their work!

This is Kayla – I got to work with her all year in Advanced Leadership and this semester she has been my TA and has helped me with a TON in that role. I don’t know how I would have managed without her! She is off to train to be a teacher at Western and I’m so proud of her!

\This past weekend was Senior Prom at the EMP (now MoPop)! I think we chaperones might have had just as much fun as the students. They had the exhibits open for the first hour-and-a-half – even the Jim Henson Muppet exhibit. It was so awesome to see Bert and Ernie, Kermit, the characters from the Dark Crystal and more of his pioneering work on display.

This is our class of 2018 crew who worked in support of prom. They will take the reins next year!
 Here was the leadership crew and bunch of photos with some great students!



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