Thursday, June 1, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend on The Adams Family Sailboat

We spent Memorial Day Weekend with the Adams Family on their sailboat. We headed from Everett to anchor off of Blake Island on Friday. The weather was 80 and absolutely perfect for the voyage! It felt so wonderful to be back on the water.

As this was Charlotte's birthday weekend, she got to open her birthday present.... a brand new paddle board! What fun!
We passed by the Seattle harbor (Elliott Bay) with Mount Rainier in the distance on our way south.

 The next morning we went ashore in the dinghy. The grown ups took turns running the island paths while the kids played on the beach. The sun came out and the tide was very low so it was the perfect day for beach combing.
The kids found this enormous moon snail! It was very bizarre.
They played on the paddle board.
 Later in the afternoon the breeze picked up and we were able to sail. We did a lap around Blake Island and then anchored on the east side of the island. When you're sailing, you do learn to hang on - note the horizon line is horizontal but the boat is at quite an angle.

 Heading into Blake Island after dinner for a sunset ramble.

 All tucked in for a cozy night's sleep.
 This is what lunch looks like - a Costco-sized loaf of bread turned into 11 sandwiches feeds the kids. We make additional sandwiches for the grown ups.
 We sailed to Poulsbo, a Norwegian town on the Olympic Peninsula, on Sunday morning. They had this cool Excalibur statue.
 Unfortunately the aquarium was not open yet, but the kids had fun climbing the octopus. We spent the rest of Sunday on the beach at Bainbridge Island before heading back early Monday to be home in time for Charlotte's birthday party.

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