Thursday, August 27, 2020

Around Town: Pool, Backyard, Grand Daddy, The Birgfelds' Big Backyard

We are enjoying a beautiful Seattle summer with lots of time outside, around water, dinners on the patio, visits with friends and family. It is all adjusted for covid-19 and socially distanced, but we can still find a way to have a good time.

 Reed and Ollie got to play together at Horizon View while Charlotte was in dive class (and I got to visit with Katie!!!).
Charlotte loves diving!!!
 This dinner with Grand Daddy included Reed sharing pictures with him from our backpacking trip and us watching the incredible roll call of the Democratic National Convention. Also, Reed got an early birthday present!

 Last spring the girls planted potatoes, onions, and other vegetables in the garden. Today was harvest time: carrots, onions, purple potatoes. So fun!

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