Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cabin in August: Lake Wenatchee, Evening with the Leondarson-Meyer Family

We got out to the cabin on Friday in time for a run/ bike ride after dinner. The river and ponderosas always do an understated but firm job of reminding me how much I love it out here.

 Charlotte did a nice job of helping with pancakes in the morning.
 Then the kids voted to skip a hike and go to Lake Wenatchee instead. It was a perfect day at the beach. The water had finally warmed up, there was a light breeze, and we got one of the last parking spots which ended up limiting the number of people there. We also used our sunshade and tubes to section off a beach area just for us.

 At the cabin, we had Amy, Mike, Zack, Charlie and Lucy over after dinner. We played outside games, listened to tunes, and chatted up a storm. Several important "dream big" ideas were born on this night. Stay tuned for more info about those ;-)

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