Saturday, August 15, 2020

Olympic Vacation Day One - Edmonds/Fort Worden/Sequim Bay

Our big vacation this summer was supposed to be Disneyland (rescheduled from Spring Break), but obviously, we had to pull the plug on that and stay local. The kids wanted to do a backpack trip this summer on the coast and I have always wanted to do the Ozette Triangle - which is also perfect for kids. So- we spent a week on the Olympic Peninsula - the first half car camping with Nana and the second half backpacking. Of course, it all began with an hour-and-a-half ferry wait in Edmonds (they are down to one boat on weekends due to covid). We flipped this into a positive and spent time walking the waterfront and looking at boats and fish.

We had a front row seat for the ride over which was especially cool since we are directed to stay in our cars nowadays.
Our first stop was Fort Worden for a bike ride and exploration of the old fort. The kids had a blast exploring the passageways - they led me around all kinds of places that I would have been too scared to traverse on my own!

Then we went to Sequim Bay State Park to camp. We had an awesome spot with a peek-a-boo view of the water. The kids and I talked about how to work together to get all the camp jobs done. Edison helped get the bikes off the car and unload the cargo box and set up the tent with me each day. Charlotte and Reed took on setting up the mattress pads and sleeping bags which was incredibly helpful. Unfortunately Nana had a few snafus with the ferries and didn't arrive until dark.

Edison has taught Reed how to play Magic!

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