Wow! I was wondering if the long drive to Crater Lake would be worth it. I haven’t been there in over 20 years. But yes, Crater Lake did not disappoint - its beauty is stunning. We got an early start and arrived to find clouds swirling around and sunshine trying hard to peek through. Throughout the morning the clouds lifted and we were treated to blue skies by the time we made it to Cleetwood Cove - the only access point to actually get down to the lakeshore. By the time we hiked down the mile-long trail, we were ready to dip into those amazing cerulean blue waters. For me - just my toes. But Reed and Charlotte actually swam for awhile which definitely impressed me and I had a marvelous time just watching them enjoy the waters.
The second half of our day was spent in the Paulina Lakes area. This is the southern extension of Lava Lands monument and the highest in elevation area of the park. It is possible to drive up Paulina Peak for an incredible view of the landscape, lava flows, lakes and vistas. The peak is just a few feet shy of 8000’. The most bizarre part of the landscape is the “Big Obsidian Flow” which is just that - a mile-long lava flow that is 10% pure, giant obsidian chunks and the rest are pumice boulders. It was surreal. We had an early dinner at Paulina Lake Lodge and it was an absolute gem of a rustic lodge. I can tell it would be really cozy here in the winter, too, and they get a lot of snow and snowmobiles. The lake is delightful and it was a really pleasant unexpected surprise. And Paulina Falls was also really stunning. Day two - in the books!
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