We embarked on a five-day sailing trip with Meg and Chris aboard their sailboat on Wednesday. We weren't quite sure how it was going to go with the six kids and the less-than-stellar weather forecast. But, turns out, it was awesome! Chris with the big kids....

This is what snack time looks like.
...and we convert the dining room to a bedroom and the kids watching a movie before bedtime.
We arrived at Fort Flagler that afternoon and had fun exploring. It is a state park and has a playground in addition to the old bunkers and fort buildings to check out.The babies at play in the kitchen.
And in the swing...
Thursday morning the kids played at the playground and then we split up - Meg and I took the younger boys on a walk and the guys took the kids fishing and crabbing on the Whaler.
At the lighthouse after at a two-mile beach walk - feeling tough because we had to hand-carry the strollers over the point and all the giant rocks and driftwood - see the picture below.Crab ops - a very fine catch indeed and was enjoyed at dinner.
This is what an over-tired Reed looks like at the beach when he should have been napping. You have no idea how hard it was to clean him up after this.
Eben and Chris took the kids to visit his high school friend, Leigh, and his wooden boat school before dinner. Leigh followed it up with a visit to the sailboat afterwards. So great to get to know him and for Eben to reconnect. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Eben with his friend, Leigh :-(
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