Charlotte is almost 15 months. She is walking like a champ, eats really well and likes to try new food. Here she is with the one ear of corn that our garden produced this year. Since we had never actually produced an ear of corn before, we were actually pretty excited.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Charlotte's Update
Seaside, Oregon Reunion!
We travelled to Seaside, Oregon for a fun "mini reunion" weekend with some of Eben's football teammates from the Coast Guard Academy, Jamie, Kerry, and Matt as well as their families. Jamie and his family are stationed there now and they generously hosted all of us in their house with class and grace - I am totally impressed and thankful. We spent two days at the beach in Gearhart, just north of Seaside. You can actually just drive your car onto the beach - perfect for a family with too much beach gear to carry.
Sara's Lake Wenatchee Cabin
Edison and Charlotte were enchanted by the cabin, especially the hanging bed and the mosquito nets we set up around the sleeping areas.
From the moment we met up with Sara in the morning and she could "talk trains" with Edison, he was smitten with her. She gave him undivided attention the whole time and he loved it. Here she is, reading him a bed time story.
Sara's family bought the next door cabin a few years ago and is fixing it up. I love the flowers. Edison and Charlotte had a blast in the cabin due to its small scale.
We spent the next day at the beach area on the lake. When there is no wind, it is splendid. But sometimes the wind comes over Stevens Pass and just tunnels straight down this canyon to the beach. Luckily, we had a great "no wind" day.
Sara & Edison got into the water - they went in really far and it made Edison's day. Charlotte even got into the swim of things and the water was amazingly clear.
Enjoying Seattle with Granddaddy David
We spent one last weekend around town with Granddaddy. On Saturday Eben went scuba diving for crabs and came back with enough Dungeness crabs for a feast. We had a cookout and campfire that night and Nana came over, too.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Our Time at Rosario
This is my new favorite portrait of Eben. He definitely exemplifies a sailor here. He did a fantastic job guiding our boat during the trip and keeping us safe and comfortable.
Edison fell asleep right in the cockpit on our way from Roche Harbor to Obstruction Pass. You can see a ferry in the background.
We originally wanted to spend the night in Orcas Island's West Sound. But we didn't find a great anchorage there. So we went a little further, to a tiny cove along Obstruction Pass. There is a small state park there on the tip of Orcas that people can either hike into from the mainland. It also has two mooring buoys for boats.
We found our own little cove on the west side of the point.
There were a lot of starfish on the rocks of this cove. (This view is looking north, up into East Sound.)
Finally, a picture of the kids together. Nothing brings them together like snack time!
Early the next morning, we motored up to Rosario Resort, halfway up the east side of East Sound. Whenever I say, "Edison, come get in the picture," he runs away. So much for a family photo!
Here I am with the two kids and the sailboat is behind us. Edison is really excited for our time at Rosario, as you can see!
Edison discovered tetherball - and so did his dad. Eben found out he was really good at it, guess it had something to do with the fact he's 6'5". For those uninitiated, tetherball involves two players - each batting at the ball to wrap it around the post in a different direction.
Rosario Resort is centered around the estate of Robert Moran, built around 1938. He was a mayor of Seattle and a premier shipbuilder who retired to Orcas Island after his doctor told him he was a workaholic who would die unless he took it easy. He lived another forty years while he built this house, including a remarkable pipe organ on which concerts are given daily.
The resort includes three pools and a hot tub. Unfortunately, this one was only for adults, so Eben & I didn't get to swim in it since we always had the kids with us. But we did enjoy the one by the marina with the kids. Edison can put his head under and blow bubbles, but he is still pretty far away from swimming.
Rosario is consistently voted one of the most romantic getaways in the area. There are a few secluded overlooks that we enjoyed, I'm sure they've been used for many weddings.
Looking out over East Sound - so beautiful being ringed by the mountains.
Clowning around at the marina restaurant porch.
Eben & Edison found a red rock crab while going on their tidal exploration in the dinghy. But only Charlotte was courageous enough to touch it.
Eben & Edison went down the docks to release the crab.
Edison pointing at his adored sea plane coming in.
It was hard to leave Rosario. But we had to return the sailboat on Friday morning. So we spent our last afternoon at Initai Beach on the east side of Lummi Island, just a couple miles away from Bellingham. The kids enjoyed one last day on the beach.
Exploring the San Juans
Our second day, we went to Stuart Island State Park for the first time. It is on an isthmus between two harbors. We went to Reid Harbor and found the beach a bit pebbly and disappointing. So we thought we'd take a quick walk to the other side to check it out. But... it ended up being a lot farther than we thought and we hiked a couple miles in the woods, getting peek-a-boo views of the two harbors as we went.
Edison didn't have shoes, so he got to enjoy a long piggy back from Daddy.
The beach on the other side was even worse than the one at Reid Harbor. So we cut our losses and headed back to the boat. We set up a five-gallon bucket with water for the kids to play with.
Edison got his first rowing lesson from Grand Dada David. Grand Dada has pronounced that Edison will be a great rower one day!
Following Stuart Island, we traveled a short hop south to Roche Harbor on the northern tip of San Juan Island. All throughout the San Juans we saw seaplanes being used to transport people back and forth from Seattle. Edison was enraptured!
We briefly toured the sculpture garden near the resort.
Eben & David went exploring around the resort while pushing a napping Charlotte in the stroller. Meanwhile, Edison and I ran down to the playground and spent a great morning there. The sailboat is in the distance, on the right side of the harbor. The white cabin that we stayed at Easter weekend is just behind us in this picture.
We got back together for lunch then played in the beautiful gardens.
Charlotte spent time examining the flowers up close.
Then the kids roughhoused and played tag until they couldn't keep from falling down.
Eben and Edison were able to spend a lot of quality time together during the trip. Each day, they would go out and look around for crabs and starfish at low tide. This brilliant scene happened just before sunset.
Edison got to practice his rowing some more.
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