Charlotte is almost 15 months. She is walking like a champ, eats really well and likes to try new food. Here she is with the one ear of corn that our garden produced this year. Since we had never actually produced an ear of corn before, we were actually pretty excited.

Charlotte can also be a handful since she is really stubborned and determined. Of course, it is no surprise where she got those traits from, so I guess I shouldn't be too upset. But it is hard to be one year old. She wants a lot, but has trouble communicating. And then sometimes, she wants things she can't have - like my Diet Coke can or sunglasses. Oops - I gave in to the sunglasses request. She is also learning new words, like "ball and cat" to add to her repertoire of Dada, Mama, Nana (used for both her grandmother and bananas).

We couldn't resist - with a beautiful weekend forecasted, we went up to Sucia Island again. This time we stayed on the east side of the island - on Echo Bay. There was a beautiful view of Mount Baker in the distance. This picture shows how serene the bay looked when it was lit up by reflecting the sunset.
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