Monday, January 8, 2024

JANUARY - Powder Highway, Day 1: Seattle to Fernie and New Year's Eve!

Goodbye 2023! Hello 2024! I'm excited for what the future holds and am going in with the mindset that it is going to be a fabulous year. 2023 was a solid year and I learned a lot about myself and am more confident navigating this world in my authentically own skin. I am looking forward to leaning into that even more in the years to come. But I have a really great feeling about 2024... so let's go!

I woke up at 4:30 AM and drove from Seattle to Fernie, BC through a lot of frozen fog that was incredibly hard to navigate. Picked up Rachelle in Sandpoint, Idaho and caravanned with her hubby Trent the rest of the way.
Fernie is a super cute little town on the beautiful Elk River that has a great ski area just up the hill. They put on a great small town fireworks show tonight and we are looking forward to skiing there tomorrow as the first stop on our Powder Highway Tour! Stay tuned for more adventure updates as we navigate the next week making multiple ski area stops along The Powder Highway!!

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