Saturday, April 29, 2023

Spring Break 2 - DC Day 2: Georgetown, C&O Canal, Supreme Court, Library of Congress, Capitol, Natural History Museum

Today we rented bikes and got to see a lot of great things!

We rented the bikes at the DC waterfront area called The Wharf which was been totally redone since I lived here. It looked amazing. Then we rode to Georgetown and saw Georgetown University and the C&O Canal that used to run 184 miles to Maryland.

After a nice picnic lunch on the Mall, we rode up Captiol Hill, went by the Supreme Court, and went into the Library of Congress - the Great Hall absolutely blew us away. Its details, frescos, marble work, etc. were absolutely stunning as was the recreation of Thomas Jefferson's library that formed the basis of the LOC after the original books burned in the War of 1812.

From there, it was underground in the tunnel to the US Capitol building. We got to go on a tour that included the Rotunda. And we saw a bunch of reporters and photographers outside Kevin McCarthy's office waiting for updates on the Debt Ceiling Bill progress. The capitol was interesting, but I wish we'd also been able to go into the galleries for the House and Senate.

Finally we went to the Natural History Museum with its big Angola Elephant, T-Rex and many other fossils, and the incredible hope diamond! Another awesome day in the books!

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