Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mr. Smiley

Edison is really intrigued by people & faces these days. A couple milestones: he turns to look at me when I'm talking even though I am initially out of view. He is much better getting his hand into his mouth and is also starting to unclench his fist more & more. Lots of smiles, coos, and gurgles. We are starting to have a lot of fun together because Edison is becoming interactive. I'm getting close to finishing the nursery. I hope to have photos up next week. Also, I have been weighing Edison & it looks like he's not gaining a lot more weight - so I think he's working on getting his length caught up to his weight. Gotta run, I hear the little guy calling for me now!

Eben and a thoughtful Edison.

All cute & fresh after a nice night's sleep in the Pack 'n' Play. Notice his sleep sack - it is like a wearable sleeping bag because blankets aren't allowed in cribs anymore (risk of SIDS). This shot also gives a good view of his new hairline.
Edison being held by his cousins Sarah & Lily. They are so good with him - kept him entertained most of the day on our visit to Marleigh & Tim's last weekend.
Aspiring father, Mike? He did show the magic touch this weekend!

I love this one - so angelic. It is a nice different perspective than "head on." Finally a picture that doesn't make Edison look like such a bruiser!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rebel Without a Cause

Edison is "the cool kid" with his rocker onesie on. Come on - he is ready for the show! (thanks Roberta!) That little left hand is always up in the air. He loves to lie on his changing table (as seen from above in this picture) and look at the shadow his left hand makes on the wall next to him. He'll look at his hand & then watch it as he tries to bring it to his mouth. Usually he misses, ends up hitting himself in the forehead and then slides his hand down his face until it gets near his mouth. I'm going to try to video that soon. I swear he can do it for 20 minutes.


This is the look you might get from Edison if you tell him he is "cute." He prefers "strong" or "handsome." Don't dare call him cute!
Just kidding - he loves everyone right now. The stranger anxiety doesn't begin for a few more months!
Edison is all wiped out after a bath. He is also very ready for the football season.

In what ways is Edison similar to a really old man?
A) both have very little hair
B) both are losing what little hair they have when they run a brush through it
C) both wear diapers
D) both get taken care of by cute young women
E) both are mostly on a liquid diet
F) all of the above

The answer is F! But even though Edison is losing his hair, he will be growing more! Edison is starting to lose some of his newborn hair. He is starting to grow hair in what will be his real hairline (much further forward than newborn hair). We've been doing a lot of jogging. I am also working on his nursery - I painted the walls pastel greens & blues this week. Next week I'm going to make stuff to hang on the walls. Should be fun. Nothing much else is going on. Have a super week & thanks for checking out our blog!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Watch Me Grow!

Nothing new to report. Upon picking Edison up, friends exclaim "what a brick!" Yes - he is solid. So the photo of MY gym is posted above - yes, Edison's size means that no other heavy lifting is required. I'm sure I'll get a good laugh someday for considering Edison of large size at this point, because he really is so small & cute as a button. But - it is quite obvious he is no longer a newborn. When I pick him up, I can hoist him to my chest so that he looks over my shoulder & he will hug me while I carry him. He is also very good at keeping his head up now, so only one arm is required for that hold. Also, we can face him out when using the pouch. So now I spend about 2-4 hours a day with the pouch on doing various things around the house, while Edison peeks out and enjoys seeing what is happening.
After the remnants of tropical storm Hannah passed through, we seem to be enjoying our first taste of fall here in New England. It still gets up to 80 during the day, but it cools off at night and one might even describe moments as being "crisp."

Remember when I wrote that Edison is smiling a lot now? Here's the proof. I swear it will make your heart melt!
This is Edison's typical gym attire. What you can't see are his Nike booties. Very sensible shoes. I really wish he had a sweat band to complete the ensemble.
Cheering for the Patriots during their season-opener. Too bad about Brady being out.

Uhhh, you talking to me?!

Ahhhh. All tuckered out after a long day, Edison curls up on the couch with dad. Edison has pretty much outgrown the swaddle blankets, so it is on to the "Dreamsie" gown. He can kick his heart out while still wearing it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 2008 - Two Months Now!

Edison had his two-month old check up today. He is officially 14lb, 2oz & 23" long. That makes him 90% for weight. The nurses couldn't believe he is only 2 months old. He also had to have a bunch of vaccinations today. He handled them very well & didn't have any adverse reactions, thank goodness. We're doing well here & enjoying the last part of summer. Edison is alert a lot more these days and so we have lots of play time together.

There is a limited time in your life that you are able to pull off a one piece PJ outfit with a boat scene on it - so it is a good thing that Edison is attempting it now. I think he definitely rocked it!


Edison with Uncle Dean. We went up to visit Eben's hometown, Swampscott, for Labor Day. Check out the sweet green corduroy pants & that cute little butt!

With Granddaddy Phillips. Notice Edison has really got that staring thing down.
On Labor Day, Eben & I took Edison out on our boat in Niantic Bay. Edison seemed to enjoy himself once the intensity of the sun died down a bit. It was a beautiful day & we found a few great little beaches accessible only by boat.

This ended up becoming our most popular bay on hot days - it was so shallow we would just get out and walk around in it all afternoon.