Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kind of Funny

Pretty uncanny the resemblance between Edison & Charlotte at 8 weeks.

Edison at the dentist. They let him play with all the tools - which he loved. Why can't we do that?

Charlotte with her buddy Penelope (5 weeks), my friend Greta's daughter. We had a fantastic morning together.

We are practicing for a brother/sister portrait next week. Edison really enjoys holding her.

All dressed up but nowhere to go,

Summer Days

Charlotte has just begun to do a "social smile." What a happy baby!

I love the romper - but Charlotte is not quite sure about it.

Wow - another great mother/daughter picture -I can't believe my good fortune.

My good friend Sarah with Charlotte. Sarah still has the magic touch!

Eben teaching Edison how to weed the lawn.

San Juans

We went up to the San Juan Islands last weekend with our friends Matt & Lisa and his son, Syd. Edison liked driving their boat.

We had lunch in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island and then went to Spencer Spit on Lopez Island for an afternoon on the beach.

Finally got a great picture with mommy & Charlotte!

Gotta love the sun hat. It is nice when they're this little and can't pull them off yet.

On Sunday we went to Forest Park with our friends Matt & Jill and their two kids Grace & Jake (pictured). I can't believe Jake is 8 months old and so much bigger than Charlotte. She will be that big before I know it - crazy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Day at the Beach

We took the boat over to Jetty Island (near Everett) last weekend with Matt, Lisa & Uncle Pete. We had a great time - especially after it warmed up!
Olympics in the background.

Playing games with Lisa.

My beautiful children!

With Charlotte.

Playing with dada.

Worth a Thousand Words?

I hope it is true that a picture is worth a thousand words because I have no time to write anymore!
I like to call this one - summer in Seattle.

Edison likes having his picture taken too.

Gotta love this outfit!

One of the numerous parks in our neighborhood. Edison likes playing with the "barks" (starting to learn plurals - too bad for all the exceptions of adding an "s".

Charlotte & daddy.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Meeting the Family

Charlotte with Uncle Pete.

Edison got a sweet train from his Aunt Kathie and Uncle Floyd. Note the cool creepy crawlies shirt his Nana brought him from the desert.

Aunt Kathie holding Charlotte.

Uncle Floyd with his grand-niece.

Yet another cute picture of Charlotte - at about 6 weeks.

Catching Up

This was taken on the day the movers came. Looks like Charlotte isn't bothered by all the ruckus. The move is finally over but we still have some boxes to unpack and we need to find places to store random items. But, all in all - we are DONE - Hallelujah!!!

Edison loves taking pictures next to his baby sister.

Can you feel the love between these two? I can, and it makes me so delighted!

Charlotte rocking out in the swing.

Edison loves the water play park at Forest Park in Everett. Too bad we forgot his swimsuit! He didn't seem to mind, though.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Edison turns TWO!

We visit Bestmor (Great Grandmother, Norweigian).

There is a fantastic petting zoo at Forest Park in Everett. This calf was only a week old! (how come Charlotte can't walk yet and she's already five weeks?!)

We had a family birthday celebration for Edison. I can't believe all four of us stood still long enough for a family portrait!

Edison loved his cake! Thank you everyone for sending him b-day wishes!

July - Back In Seattle!

We have been living out of our suitcase for three weeks. I apologize for not posting more entries, but we also haven't had Internet. But the movers and Comcast tomorrow so life will improve greatly!
Here is Charlotte looking cute.

Edison LOVES posing for pictures with Charlotte.

Granddad and Edison at the park.

Charlotte's new boyfriend Ollie. He is my friend Sara's three month old - check out those big blue eyes!

I probably don't need to tell you that Edison adores his sister Charlotte and likes to help take care of her. The picture says it all.