Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Having Fun in the Fall

Here is Edison trying to run our dinghy. He wants to be a boater just like dad.
Edison's friend, Isaac, who is one month older than Edison, joined us for a wonderful day last Tuesday. We went to the playground. They had a lot of fun, but it was a challenge keeping up with both of them.

Edison wants to figure out how everything works, including this digger.

Last weekend was our final sailing trip of the season. It was chilly enough for a sweater, but still really sunny.


Edison enjoyed exploring the bushes and feeling the rose hips at the lighthouse park in Watch Hill, RI.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Faces

I think the unifying theme of these pictures is that Edison is showing a lot of different expressions these days. Some moments he acts like a little baby again and others it seems like he is well on his way to elementary school. There have also been glimpses of the "terrible twos" like when he does NOT want to sit in his car seat and I practically have to pin him into the seat with a knee and an elbow. But that does not happen often and Eben & I keep reminding ourselves that he really is such a cooperative, friendly, and inquisitive little guy that we are very fortunate to be his parents. Here is is coming down the slide - I love the look of sheer joy in his face! This is the same expression he gives when he jumps into my arms from the side of the pool these days.

I think he is giving us a peek at what he will look like as an older child in this picture - he is quite serious.

He is climbing on just about everything. I try to take him to a playground every day. After encouraging him to climb the play toys, he now sees every object as a tempting Mt. Everest to climb. He does enjoy climbing into chairs now. We have a little rocking chair his size that has been handed down from when my mother was a child (not in this picture). He loves that it is HIS size! In this picture he is in one of our Adirondack chairs and wearing a lovely sweater for his Great Aunt Kathie and Uncle Floyd.



We went on the sailboat last weekend with our friends Jamie & Danya. Sometimes Edison is able to finagle a cell phone away from unsuspecting friends. I think he is making calls to his stock broker in this photo.
Did you really think he'd willingly give the cell phone back?! Oh how naive! He looks like such a cute little goblin here.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not Much to Say

I'm thinking of switching to a bi-monthly posting schedule. With Eben & I working, the days just aren't quite exciting enough to take five fun pictures a week. Edison, now almost 15 months old, isn't changing as quickly as he used to now that he is entering the toddler stage. So, don't be surprised if the posts drop down to every other week.

Love this one of Edison so happy playing with his toys.

He loves to put this cat toy wand thingy around his neck like a scarf. He thinks it is a real hoot. He's played with it way more than the cats ever did! Eben just worries that he is being a little too effeminate. I say, don't worry about that - he's 14 months old and having fun!



We had people over for a play date last Friday. Edison did not take his morning nap and instead, played like crazy. By lunch time, he was so tired, he fell asleep in his high chair. Awwwwwww - too cute! (I did move him up to his crib right after this photo and he slept a couple of hours until we had to go to the pool.)

Here is Edison playing with the cat toy/scarf. Very hilarious video.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day

Sorry this is a long time coming. I have been busy starting my new job as assistant coach of the girls' high school swim team here in town. Tonight I also restarted my job coaching the club team here in town - now called Nutmeg Aquatics. Here are some pictures from this past week.

This first set I like to think of as "Edison does 'Risky Business.'

I mean, how cute is this boy with his teddy bear?



At the playground he is looking more and more like a big boy.
We ended the summer with a final sailing trip to Block Island. We had great weather, but it is starting to get a bit chilly in the evenings. This was our first trip with Edison actually walking. He can't climb out of the cockpit yet, but we can tell that sailing with him next summer is going to be a challenge. We will probably put a net up around the whole boat.
One last time on the beach...Sunday was really windy, so we hung out near the dunes.