Saturday, July 25, 2009

Relaxing at Home

Edison & I were ecstatic to welcome my cousin Matt for a visit. Matt & Edison got some quality play time in. Edison is showing Matt his new clapping skills. Matt was a master at playing with Edison and getting Edison to break out into full blown belly laughter.

Edison liked showing Matt his new favorite place - the beach at McCook Park. It is just five minutes from our house, so I find myself taking him down there for an hour or two each day.

On some of these hot days, Edison & I fire up his little swimming hole in the backyard.

He also is enjoying the swing - can you tell it is shaped to be a bear?

Edison reveled in his first Phad Thai - I guess he takes after me in that way at least!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Once More with Feeling

We finally got to host Eben's family at our house. Through seven years of marriage, we have never lived close enough to host a family get together for them. Edison's belated first birthday party was a perfect occasion to bring everyone together (except Eben's father who is out of town on business).

I improved on the bear cake - this one was lemon with a coconut cream cheese frosting. Yummy served with berries and sorbet and the toasted coconut made nice fur.
This time Edison did a little better job eating his birthday cake, but the berries were his favorite part - he knew exactly what to do with those.
Dean & Carolyn's family gave Edison a school bus for his birthday. His cousin Will (2 1/2) showed Edison what it could do. It was very sweet to see them playing together.
Everyone enjoyed lounging on the deck, especially once we got some shade. It was great to see the Phillips siblings so happy.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Visit from Matt & Lisa

We were so happy that our friends Matt & Lisa flew out to join us for some sailing. We spent Independence Day in the Newport, RI harbor. Eben & Matt got to savor lobsters. The fireworks were great and it was definitely a treat to watch them from our sailboat!

Edison was fascinated by the giant lobster tanks at the fish market.

Meanwhile, I really liked the Cliff Walk - walking between mansions and the bay. As you can see, we had perfect weather - a rarity this wet summer.

Lisa was quite the navigator. We sailed to Block Island on the 5th and actually had great wind for sailing.

And she helped me out a ton with Edison. He really took to her.


Let Him Eat Cake!

This is a picture taken at the ceremony for Eben's promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Edison is very proud of his papa (me too!).That night the three of us had a little party for Edison's first birthday. Thank you to all of you who sent him cute cards and well wishes.
Eben and I made a bear cake for the occasion. Eben's mother used to always make him cool birthday cakes, so we need to keep the tradition alive.
Nana sent some blocks that Edison is already enjoying.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 2009 - On the water again

Edison turns one tomorrow. In the past week, he took his first steps and said his first word. He is still taking his time before fully walking, but is on his way. I think being stuck on the sailboat is not helping the walking! We came home last night so that Eben could be at a promotion ceremony at work (congratulations, Lt Commander Phillips!). Edison repeated "duck" after me several times while he was in the bath. So, I think "duck" is his first word (at least that we can understand). How funny!

We got back onto the Fearless for another two week vacation segment - lucky us! Edison helped us navigate over to Block Island on Saturday night. We pulled in late and the fog had rolled in. We had to use the radar to navigate because we could scarcely see 50 feet. Definitely tricky - but Eben is a great sailor, so at least I know we'll be okay.

On Sunday morning the sun came out again and we went into the island to the playground. Edison enjoyed lining up pieces of bark. He only put a select few into his mouth. It seems like the "into the mouth" phase is wrapping up (finally!).

We ended up getting a new dinghy for the boat, one that is super stable and easy to maneuver. Edison loves riding in the dinghy - kind of makes up for the lifejacket which really bothers him.
Block Island has a beautiful beach on the east shore. We went early in the morning before the crowds came. Edison crawled all over the place and moved sand around.
He even crawled right into the water. He enjoyed splashing around and playing in the little waves. At some point, clothes just get in the way... I think he finally realizes the water is kind of chilly.