Monday, December 28, 2015

Snow Days at the Cabin with Heidi and Trent Plus the Kids

We spent three days at the cabin after Christmas this year and will go back for New Year's Eve. Heidi joined us out there with Max and Maggie and colleague Trent Mitchell came out Sunday with his two daughters: Kylie and Keira. The snow is amazing - probably about three feet of it now. We built several sledding hills, including one with a big jump (watch out for the tree). The kids loved playing on the deck that was very full of snow and jumping off of it into (more) snow. We even got everyone out snowshoeing down to the river and then up the hill and back through the property behind the Guild. The kids (for the most part) got along very well and just felt cozy and perfect to experience the mountains and nature's awesomeness with friends.

Merry Christmas!

Our Christmas routine is pretty simple: wake up with stockings from Santa. Eat breakfast and open the Santa present. Get presentable and dressed, then open mommy and daddy presents. At noon, my mom's side of the family arrives and we spend a nice afternoon visiting, eating, and of course - opening presents. The grown ups do a gift exchange with a theme each year. This year was "hot and/or cold" and I ended up with an awesome hurricane lantern while Eben got a nice aromatherapy heating pad. At six Andre stopped by to catch up. The kids were in bed by eight. Eben and I wrapped up the night with champagne and watching "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation." Perfect day!

Christmas Eve with Granddaddy Herbert

We had a lovely Christmas Eve with Granddaddy Herbert this year. The kids love seeing him and he found each one a great gift plus a great book. It is such a joyous time of year and so fun to see the excitement in the kids.

Plus - that morning we took Charlotte and Edison to their first movie theater movie - Star Wars 7 (The Force Awakens). It was a fantastic movie and a really cool experience with the big kids!

Ski Day for Grown Ups!

On the 23rd, Nana watched the kids while Eben and I went skiing with Heidi, Amy, and Michael. Stevens has been getting tons of great snow and it was definitely a powder day. We lucked out that most people had last minute Christmas errands to do, so there wasn't even a huge crowd up there. It felt invigorating to do some big runs again and to make it over to the glory that is the back side of Stevens. The kids had fun making lefse with Aunt Kirstie and Nana that afternoon - so it was a win-win all around.

 Charlotte - modeling an "Aly Hat" that Johanna won in the Social Studies White Elephant gift exchange and holding a baked ornament she painted at Olivia's house. Wow - our friends  are so crafty!

Monday, December 21, 2015

The Big Holiday Weekend!

Charlotte is starting to get the hang of chess. My dad has come a couple afternoons when Edison has a class after school, so Charlotte is the only one he picks up at the bus. It has been really neat to see them bonding over chess.
 The Friday on the last day before Winter Break was a dress up day at Charlotte's school - the theme was "holiday." I think she nailed it!
 That evening Eben and I hosted the Social Studies department for a holiday party. It is really fun to see the kids get together. This is Reed with Maija and Eevi who just turned two.
 With the Eevi and also Ben and Grant Goenen - keeping it real at the kids' table.
 Saturday afternoon we took the kids to the Seattle Children's Center for the musical "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang." It was a great show and Reed actually watched most of it. Before the play we strolled around Seattle Center and took in the Winterfest sights, including the big model train display which was a big hit with Reed.

 In the lobby of the Children's Theater are these cut outs for posing - this one from their earlier play this year and also a mock up of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car.

 Saturday night Natalie and Aaron hosted a very festive Christmas party and we were so happy to be able to go. Eben and Lisa were the unofficial winners of the ugly sweater contest.
 We had a roaring fire going. The whole evening was tons of fun and so wonderful to reconnect with friends like Sara and Jay that I haven't seen in awhile. Best part - it is a 3 minute walk from our house and Nana graciously babysat the kiddos.

To complete the big weekend, Eben and I went to the Seahawks game on Sunday versus the Cincinnati Browns. It was really cool to take in all the elements of the big game including this display for the National Anthem. Plus - it didn't rain!!! We also bumped into Mike Cross there which was quite surprising since out of nowhere he just happened to be in line behind us to enter. Craziness!

 The kids and I are now on Winter Break. Eben took a little time off work this morning to go skiing with us before driving down to Oregon for work. It was snowing really hard and was a big powder day. The kids did awesome until they got too cold. I am just so impressed with both of them - Eben has taught them well!