Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Main Salmon River Trip - Day 5: Lower Bull Creek to Carey Creek Take Out

Day five was sunny all day, though we had a decent headwind to fight against. We got an early start to try to beat the rush to the take out. There were still a few big rapids left before the take out. We had some really giant lateral waves and a few holes to contend with.

The take out went smoothly and we fit everything back into the trailer. Always nice when your car actually is waiting for you just as you'd arranged.
A final, goodbye dip before heading home.

Main Salmon River Trip - Day 4: Tepee Creek to Lower Bull Creek

My favorite day of the trip was Day Four (if you don't count the hot springs). After a few morning clouds we had sun much of the day. 

We visited the Buckskin Bill Museum and store. It was a treat to see the way he had lived in this river canyon by his own efforts for many years - if he needed something, he figured out a way to make it with what he had on hand. The kids loved eating ice cream before lunch. The grounds were impeccable and they grow an incredible garden.

The float was pretty flat on this stretch. The kids rowed a lot.

Can you find the goats?
We were also able to tie the rafts together and float this flat section.
Horses on a beach!

We had an incredibly beautiful camp at Lower Bull Creek on our final river night. It had a giant beach, trees for shade and hammocks, a little rapid in front of camp to play in. It was my favorite camp by far.

Goats in our campsite.

We had made good time on the river and made it to camp early enough to relax and play before having to start the work of dinner.

The guys, Edison, and Charlotte all hopped in and swam this little wave train.

Beach life.... 

After dinner, we played charades. Reed loves acting and we got a video of his best act-it-out. Let me know if you think you know what word it was for :-)

Main Salmon River Trip - Day 3: Hida Creek to Tepee Creek

It was still chilly when we woke up on day three. We wrapped the kids in every spare piece of wetsuit material and wool we could find. Then we loaded up the boats and got moving.

Later in the day we broke into sunshine and blue sky and it felt incredible after all the rain, wind, and dark clouds of the past couple days.

Someone else had set up a camp in our targeted spot, so we camped here at Tepee Creek instead. It was a long beach of beautiful white sand. Reed is always the first one to use the groover at each spot. This one might have had the best view.
The swimmers!

One incredible dry line fashioned by Eben.

Lots of tag to keep warm and for fun.

A colorful sunset to end the day and good friends by the fire.