Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Our town, East Lyme, had a cute Halloween Trick or Treat event & parade on Sunday. (By the way, East Lyme was voted 75th best small town in America - not sure whose poll, but we have a sandwich board up on the town green proclaiming the good news. Niantic is technically a "village" inside the town.) Here are some pictures of Edison at the event.

Notice any changes about Edison?



Hint - check out his new haircut - courtesy of Eben. I was at a swim meet, but I heard Edison did pretty well, but got squirmy at the end, so there is still a little left to go behind his right ear - oh well! In this picture he was pointing to a firetruck which was taking part in the parade.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Time

Well - I finally got my pumpkin patch pictures! Today we threaded rain showers and went over to Scott's Farm Stand right here in East Lyme. They have apple picking, a huge pumpkin patch and a corn maze - very cool for being within a 10 minute drive. The family portrait:
Looking regal - the king of pumpkins.
Edison liked trying to pick up the pumpkins. He always aimed for the big ones, so he could never hoist them up very long before they'd tumble out of his grasp. It was good fun, though.

He now likes to sit on the couches and in the big chair. He still needs our help to get into it, though.

I often find that Edison and I both benefit from a few minutes outside playing in the driveway (we don't have much of a yard and the grass is wet and full of leaves right now, so the driveway is actually a great alternative). Eben is in the process of winterizing the sailboat and there is a ton of gear from it lying about, including the big, empty diesel fuel canisters. Edison enjoys being able to drag the large cans around.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Eben's 10 Year Reunion

This is my favorite picture of Edison from our trip a couple weeks ago to Vermont. I just love the way the light falls and of course his joyous expression and concentration.
Eben and his classmates celebrated their 10 year Coast Guard Academy reunion this past weekend. We hosted 10 of them at our house. Kind of crazy having all the guys in town, but it was definitely fun. We haven't had any weddings in the group lately which is usually the time when we all get to see each other.
At the football tailgate on Saturday afternoon, the class of 1999 rented a "mobile pizza firetruck." They served yummy gourmet pizza, microbrews, and fresh lemonade. What a treat! Of course Edison just liked exploring the truck.

Watching the game with the buddies. Pete & Jennie are seated in the front left - they just got engaged and we are looking forward to their big day next spring. Jennie is a classmate of Eben's and Pete is my cousin - we set them up together in Seattle and we are so happy for the two of them.

Edison really likes his stuffed animals these days, especially his teddy bears. In other Edison news: just got his 15 month vaccinations and his flu shot. Also, he is now saying "cracker" as of this week, his first new word in awhile (apparently language starts taking off around 18 mos.). He is now running - which is making it really hard for me to get good photos of him! Just try getting him to stand next to a pumpkin and smile - I don't know if it can be done, but it is not for lack of trying. I'm still hoping to get my "cute pumpkin shot" this fall.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Green & Gold Weekend 2009

We spent this past weekend with Eben's family in Moretown, Vermont. We stayed at the home of family friends and it was completely picturesque - at least in these pictures. Try not to visualize the thirteen of us (seven kids) in the house and rain all day Saturday! Anyway - the foliage did not disappoint. But most of all, I really liked the setting of the house and the apple trees. I hope that these pictures capture some of it.



Here is Edison running over to play with his cousins.

Edison & his treasure.

We hiked up the double chair route of Mad River Glen ski area on Sunday. It turned into a beautiful day. Edison did pretty well in the backpack. I'm glad that I carried him down and not up, though - he is getting heavy!


Mad River Glen had a "Green & Gold" celebration with live music and kids' activities. Edison adores anything he can put around his neck (remember the leopard print boa?), so of course he went crazy with the bin of dress up beads.

Clearly this is not Edison's most flattering picture, but I couldn't resist. Our friends Matt & Lisa gave him this stuffed Orca whale (yay Pac NW!) and it is his favorite stuffed animal. He loves to put its dorsal fin and tale in his mouth and suck on them while getting ready to go to sleep. He doesn't suck his thumb or a pacifier - but a whale? - SURE! I have to put it in the washer every other day to keep it from getting to fishy - wocka, wocka, wocka! (homage to Fozzy Bear)

