Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at Eben's brother Dean's house. His wife Carolyn made THE BEST mashed potatoes (sorry Grandma)! Edison had a good time playing with his older cousin Will who is just about to be 3. I think Will was happy to have a little buddy for once rather than always tagging along with two older sisters.

Eben & I didn't get to spend much time at the dinner table. Edison was constantly on the move and we had to track his every move to make sure he didn't fall down stairs, climb up stairs, fall into the fire, eat a tray of cupcakes, etc... We found it much easier to play outside even though it was a little chilly. I think Edison liked being on the motorcycle a lot.

We spent the night at Eben's dad's house. Edison loved taking his bath in the big jacuzzi tub with dad. I mean come on - does it get any better than a bath with dad and lots of buttons?!

On Friday while it POURED rain, we went to the Boston Children's Museum. It is amazing. It probably is most suited for kids around 5-10, but there was plenty for Edison to do there. This picture of him at the helm of a treehouse was taken in a special area for kids 0-3. I love how cautious he is being with his steering.

Another room at the museum was a take off of the Boston Commons. Among other activities, it had a giant chess set. Here, Edison has just captured the opponent's pawn and is on the run. Edison was more interested in moving the big pieces around than learning the game, but you never know where this might lead.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Few More Sunny Days

We visited our favorite playground on an unseasonably warm Friday last week. Edison had a blast. He loves to "drive" with the steering wheel.


I had a busy weekend coaching swim meets all day Saturday and Sunday. Eben was a peach and took Edison up to visit Aunt Marleigh and his cousins. They went for a nice hike in the conservation area woods behind Marleigh's house.

This photo of the cousins was taken on the top of Sweatt Hill, on a rock that has lent itself to many family photos.

At the end of the hike they stopped at a playground and Edison loved riding on the bulldozer.

So did dad, apparently!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November 2009

Here are our last minute Halloween get-ups. We went trick or treating with friends and their daughters. Edison didn't leave the stroller - he was a little fussy as it was around his bedtime. It was an unusually warm evening which was nice. So I tried to look like I was on a safari and Eben tried to go as a detective (which I forced him into - he just wanted to wear his Patriots jersey and go as Tom Brady). They didn't really turn out that well, but hey, at least we tried!

Here is Edison helping us rake the driveway. It is time to get rid of all these leaves!

We had a really warm day Sunday (68 degrees!) so Edison and I went to the beach. He liked to sit in the beach chair and watch the seagulls. Luckily he realized that going into the water was not a good idea at this point. It was nice to feel the sand again, it reminded me of all the fun we had at the beach this past summer.

As some of you may have heard, Edison is starting to "self-feed" his yogurt in the morning. While it really frees me up to clean up the dishes or catch up on email, it is the slowest, messiest process I have ever seen. Luckily he is cute, otherwise I might just put a stop to it all. I think he likes feeling like a grown up, what do you think?

We are still running every morning. Now that it is getting cooler, I have set up a "Bundle Me" on the stroller - kind of like a sleeping bag that I can zip Edison into. It is really cute when Edison uses the jog as nap time.