Monday, November 11, 2024

Mountain Mess Around - Part 2: Saturday's Plan B: Pacific Crest Trail: Seven Passes

After enjoying a delicious croissant at the Mazama Store, I decided to drive up to Hart’s Pass and then even a little bit further than that to Slate Peak and then start hiking on the Pacific Crest Trail north from there - an area called Seven Passes. Slate Peak is the highest elevation Forest Lookout in the state at 7448’. Were it not for the smoke from the fires, the view would’ve been absolutely stunning, seeing as far as Mt. Baker and Glacier Peak. As it was, it was still wonderful to be able to get a 360° view of the area. My Subaru also earned the distinction of the highest car in Washington state when I was up there Saturday morning.

From Slate Pass, I hiked 5 miles north on the PCT through some really beautiful country until the thunderstorms found me again. I had to hike in socks and Teva sandals because my hiking boots were still soaked. The hike included: Buffalo Pass, Windy Pass, Foggy Pass, Jim Pass, and the ridge of Devil’s Backbone. There were many larches and I want to go back in the fall for clear skies and larches turning gold in the autumn sun or come back earlier in summer when the wildflowers were more prolific!
This time when I heard the booming thunder, I turned around and started jogging back to the car. I was able to keep a good pace and outrun the storm, so at least I’ve learned my lesson! I had a nice dinner at the house on Saturday night and then found a spot at the Early Winters campground just outside Mazama. There is hardly anyone there this weekend because Highway 20 is closed to help assist with fighting the forest fires. So most of the westsiders haven’t managed to make it this far for the weekend.

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