Saturday, November 23, 2024

String Quartet and Candlelight Concert with Jess and Bomb Cyclone Power Outage

 Invigorating night out with Jess seeing an intimate candlelight string quartet concert at the Arctic Club’s Northern Lights Dome Room in downtown Seattle. The show list was Coldplay and Imagine Dragons all arranged for strings. It felt like we had popped into a Bridgerton scene. We’d seen these advertised in our social feed and we both give it two thumbs way up! Not cheesy or an Insta stunt. It was really well done! 

In other news the Tuesday "Bomb Cyclone" has left us without power for four days now. I know there is a lot of damage to repair and I fully understand- it’s also really hard to get in a house with no heat or electricity. Thank you to my mom for taking us in.

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